Hello from Titan Bear Gaming!

Hello Titan Bear Gamers!

Today is the debut of Titan Bear Gaming's website and we are over the moon about it.  As of launch, we have over 1,500 different products in stock spanning twelve product categories -- check out all we have in store!

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself since you'll be seeing me pop up frequently around the site.  My name is Alex and I am one of the founders of Titan Bear Gaming.

We've only just gotten things started around here but already we're very excited about what we have to offer.  As a quick reminder, if there's something you'd like us to carry but don't see it in the store, send us a quick note by Suggesting a Product.  We exist to bring you what you're interested in, so do not hesitate to reach out.  We'll do everything we can.

I'll keep this post quick today, but I wanted to give you a teaser on what we have in the works.  

  • Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter -- I'll be sending out our first one next week.
  • We're going to be starting up the Titan Bear Gaming YouTube Channel soon.  Yes, we'll be covering the usual goodness of new products to be excited about, but we're also going to use it to promote the hobby gaming community from an online platform in interesting ways.  We'll be making a more formal announcement later, so stay tuned for that!
  • We have another special project being developed that will be a new service available through our website.  Without giving too much away, it will allow our customers to bring a new level of customization to their gaming tables -- especially roleplaying games and miniatures games.  More on that later.

Follow us on social media -- we have accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.  We'll be making heavy use of them to stay in touch with you guys.

Check em out here:

Follow on InstagramFollow on TwitterFollow on FacebookFollow on Pinterest 

Until next time -- have more fun.  It's good for you.
