About Titan Bear Gaming
Company History
Titan Bear Gaming was founded in 2016 by two board game and nerdy pop culture enthusiasts looking to establish the best modern hobby games store possible. Originally based out of the California Bay Area, we set to work on brainstorming what the superior hobby games store experience would entail, both online and as a physical storefront presence. We had such an abundance of ideas, we got started immediately.
A year later, we opened doors (metaphorically speaking) as an online retailer, carrying more than 1,500 different products of trading card games and board games, roleplaying games, miniatures and war games, modeling supplies, and pop-culture collectibles.
Since our launch we have continued to add new products and new product types, continually expanding our inventory to deliver the best hobby games retail experience possible.
Company Values
We started this company based on our beliefs about how a gaming community should function. We could go on about everything we believe in, but we'd rather you just stop by and meet us yourself! In the meantime, here are the cornerstones:
- Fun for fun's sake! Gaming at its core is about having fun. It has little to do with rules, or points, or competition. It's just plain fun -- for its own sake. And fun is a powerful thing for all ages, for all walks of life. It's a healing thing -- a unifying thing. It's a creative thing. Have more fun.
- Respect. Everyone. All the time. Even when you disagree. Even when it's on the internet. And especially when you're competing to win a game. Respect is king in this house.
- Community. Everyone is welcome. We think games are cool -- and that you're cool for liking them, no matter who you are. Gaming newbies and veterans, nerds and "popular" kids -- everyone is part of the Titan Bear family.
Meet the Team!

Alexander Edwards
Founder, CEO
"Hi everyone -- welcome to Titan Bear Gaming!
I began my 'career' in gaming as an avid video gamer from childhood. I was introduced to modern tabletop gaming in college, and ran my first Dungeons and Dragons table shortly after. I've been hooked ever since. I can't get over how immersive the roleplaying experience can be when done well. What's more -- the sense of togetherness and group achievement that comes from playing tabletop games together is something so uncommon in today's world of cell phones and social media. That's why I'm in love with this work."

Frank Di Natale
"Come! Stay a while and play! --
Ever since I got my first NES as a kid to the first time I sat down at a table to play Dungeons and Dragons, I've been enthralled by most things nerdy. The sense of adventure, mystery, and intrigue -- eclipsed only by the feeling of sharing the experience with others. It is this sentiment that has led me to help found Titan Bear Gaming; a place where people, whether hobbyist or otherwise, can come and enjoy bonding with the community over the vast world of games."
Become a Patron
We didn't just start Titan Bear Gaming to be a game store -- we love nothing more than to give back to the gaming community as well. Our content production is just ramping up, so any help we can get would be most appreciated. If you'd like to support us by becoming a Patron click the button "Become a Patron" button below or find the Patreon icon at the top of our page.