
Welcome to The Modern Gamer Blog!  

My name is Alex -- I am one of the founders of Titan Bear Gaming.  In this recurring segment I'll hit the usual goodness you've come to expect and love -- product unboxing, upcoming release hype, and I'll most certainly be writing some game reviews.  After all, what is a blog on gaming if it doesn't cover the games themselves?  But after the words are typed and edited, and the blog is formatted and posted, at the end of the day I intend to capture something else; something more.  I think you might know what I mean, too.  

It's that little "something extra" that keeps you coming back for more, even when you've played the same game dozens of times...

It's that feeling you get when your best friend rolls a 'natural 20' on a Bluff check in your weekly RPG gaming group...

It's that feeling of exhilaration when you 'top-deck' exactly the card you needed to swing a huge comeback in a versus-style card game...

It's that feeling of familiarity and confidence that comes from setting foot in your favorite local game store, knowing full-well that the new release you've been waiting for has finally arrived...

Simply put, it's the feeling -- the feeling of being a gamer in the modern world.  Today is one of the most exciting times to be a gamer, too.  No longer are board games kept stowed away, high in a dark closet, behind your unused tennis racket and your dad's old martial arts uniforms.  Today's board games are featured prominently on coffee tables and in living rooms; at coffee shops, breweries and restaurants; in college dorm rooms and at corporate events.  

What is it that has earned modern board games a spot in each of these environs?  It's the feeling that comes from playing together.  From sitting down with your friends and sharing a laugh.  From taking a brief reprieve from the normalcy of daily life, and escaping to a wondrous, fantastical locale.  From finding out that a stranger from a different part of the world has been playing the same game as you, and has some great stories to tell about it.

All of this is what I aim to capture in this blog.  It may seem like a lofty goal, but I think that everyone reading this post already knows what I'm talking about.  It is what has drawn you here, now, to this website.  So my job isn't to convince you that the feeling exists, you already know that -- I just need to show you what it means to me to be The Modern Gamer.



As always, feel free to share this blog where you see fit using the buttons below.  I've never written a blog before so I'll be making up my mind as I go about whether to feature comments directly on the blog.  If you have any comments now feel free to email me at -- I'd love to continue the conversation there.

Stay tuned for the first main blog post -- it'll also be coming out this week.  I started up a brand new Dungeons and Dragons game a few days ago for a bunch of completely new players who had never seen a d20 before, and I figured I'd share what went well, what went poorly, and what advice I have for DMs who find themselves in a similar position.

Until next time -- have more fun, would ya?  It's good for you.


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